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The Lean Arc Welder.
ABB's IRB 1520ID is a high precision arc welder, with integrated process dressing that combines 24/7 production output with 50% lower cost of maintenance to deliver the lowest cost per weld in its class.
The IRB 1520ID can be up and running in hours and will boost your productivity with cost-efficient and highly reliable production. Thanks to the integrated dressing, the hose package on the upper arm and the welding cablings at the base are totally integrated into the robot. This means that all the media necessary for arc welding, including power, welding wire, shielding gas and pressurized air, is routed for maximized performance and energy efficiency.
With the IRB 1520ID you get stable welding, high path accuracy, short cycle times and long lifetime of the hose package and cablings. Thanks to the integrated dressing, welding around cylindrical objects can be carried out without any stops and hard to reach weld seams are more easily accessed.
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IRB 1520ID 1.50 m 4 kg 10 kg